Call to Action Template

Security Enthusiasts!

CNCF Security Tag is looking to embark on another tech security adventure! [2 sentences explanation of what the thing is]. [background about why this exists, about 2-3 sentences]. We’d like some help.

We want you!

This is where you (yes you!) come in. We’re looking for community members and colleagues [review/contribute] to this [what the thing is called], tracked under [issue number and link to issue], so that we can provide the cloud native community with [what the intent is]! [what this means for the community]. We hope you can join us on this significant contribution opportunity. [If needed by a specific date, say so here].

Ready to dive in?

Comment on the issue [relink the issue] (#XXX) and join the [link to the slack channel] Slack channel!


[Relink everything again here with what it is and the URLs blown out (not embedded)]
